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Instructor Patrick Kelly

Boxercise training and selfdefence

Boxing training is for everyone: Whatever your size, shape or sex. Remember, every boxer will have started from ground level, so anyone and everyone can work their way up to a good level of fitness: attend classes three times a week you will FEEL FITTER

What's it all about?
Boxercise is an exercise class based on the training concepts boxers use to keep fit. Classes can take a variety of formats but a typical one may involve shadow-boxing, skipping, hitting pads, kicking punchbags, press-ups, shuttle-runs and sit-ups. Most boxercise classes are aimed at men and women of all ages and fitness standards. As no class involves the physical hitting of an opponent, it is a fun, challenging and safe workout.
Release your aggression: Boxing training is a great way to do that, making you feel calm because all the aggression is very channelled and controlled. Even though there is no physical contact, it enables you to feel in control of your body and more confident about protecting yourself if you are required to.

Increase your discipline: Many people don't appreciate that boxing training is about discipline, and it's a great way to increase that in other areas of your life, too, such as drinking and eating. If everyone took up boxing training, we'd live in a fitter world and a better world, mentally and emotionally.
Focus energy and concentration: Training stimulates your mind and boosts your self-belief.

5 euros per class

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? Not everyone can do that, and with boxing training you don't have to - it's about expressing yourself and being the best you can be
The gear
Silk shorts and flashy robes are not required, but you will need a pair of trainers, leggings or shorts and a light, loose top.Boxing gloves, punchbags and skipping ropes are supplied.


The Benefits
Increases mental agility: Sports behavioural studies have shown that the training techniques adopted by boxers using punchbags and sparring lead to superior decision-making skills
Improves hand- eye coordination:... on both the left and right side of the body. Unlike asymmetrical sports such as tennis and golf, your body improves evenly on both sides, reducing postural misalignment
Increases stamina: Research from the Indian Journal of Medicine has estimated that boxing is 70%-80% anaerobic (high-intensity) and 20%-30% aerobic; training increases stamina in heart and lungs
Raises core strength: This strong core stability can reduce the risk of back pain and improve posture
Strengthens muscles: Boxing improves muscle strength used in everyday activities,
