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Be carefull out there

Be wary of this guy
I have it on good authority Matthew J Smith or Matt Smith rips people off for services he charges for, he then sits back, and doesn’t implement any action regarding the service he has been paid for and keeps all the money.
He professes to be a translator in the Quesada and surrounding areas.
Unwittingly retired ex pats through illness or legal requirements have approached Matt Smith for help in translation of medical and or legal documentation only to find that he does not keep these important appointments after being paid beforehand.
Some people have waited for several months for change of ownership of their car logbook only to find that nothing has been done and they have been driving illegally for that amount of time, plus he then no longer answers your phone calls. If you catch him out by ringing from another phone number he will tell you a pack of lies, he does this so often he actually believes them himself (so sad) so you have to then pay again to another person to get the job done.
I changed my vehicle and unknown to me the complexity of Matt’s character I approached Matt to oversee the logbook name change, after Matt told me the cost of the tax and charges for this I paid him up front (WRONG).
After waiting 5 months and numerous phone calls and text messages only to find Matthew Smith had done absolutely nothing and when I did (very rarely) contact him (using a different phone number) the lies he told me concerning the delay you would not believe.
I was recommended “Sol 4”, in Bennimar new logbook in my name within 3 weeks
Because Matt is not licensed and completely illegal in what he advertises the police are not interested unless you report him, that goes to a court hearing, to do this you have to payout for a lawyer more cost to you.
That’s the Spanish law.
If you must use him for whatever reason I would advise anyone NOT to pay him upfront.
I have other names of expats that have been deceived by Matt Smith if you or anyone reading this has any bad experiences regarding Matt Smith please let me know.
This warning will also be included in the free local papers,
So be very wary of this guy, if more information is required regarding Matthew Smith please let me know.


i have used matt for various things and have found him to be nothing but reliable and cheap, he wouldnt take a penny untill the job was done- which i must say was quite quickly.

Commented rachael in Quesada 2011-10-29 08:41:22 UTC